Baner nagłówkowy

About Us

Mare Polonorum Sailing Society is an organisation assembling sailors whose goals comprise:

  • promoting and cultivating family and peer water tourism,
  • improving the sailing craftsmanship,
  • planning and organizing team sailing sea cruises and inland cruises ,
  • building intergenerational relationships,
  • establishing contacts with various groups of water sports enthusiasts,
  • promoting marine culture and tradition, improving communication skills in foreign languages,
  • upgrading technical skills of sailing adepts,
  • organizing or participating in sailing events.

We have set a course for non-commercial sailing activities, winter meetings for sailors, training and charter cruises run for pleasure.

The foreign name of our society epitomises our eagerness to learn and improve languages spoken by „people of the sea”. The uplifted communication skills will help us to follow sailing events in the world and establish interesting contacts in foreign ports.

All local and foreign fans of sailing are more than welcome to contact us via mail post:

Happy boating from the deck of „Mare Polonorum Sailing Society”!

Archiwum Mare Polonorum
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